Control Cancer

Is Cbd Oil Used To Treat Cancer?

Cancer is indeed considered to be one of the most unfortunate things that can ever happen to a person. It is such a dangerous disease that even though equipped with the latest technology and the finest medical scientists, mankind hasn’t been able to come up with a final cure for cancer. Nowadays, more and more […]

Rehab center for alcohol and drug addicts

A survey conducted in 2014 says that about 20 million people aged 12 and older suffered from a substance use disorder. The fact was quite frightening that 14.4 million people were alcoholic, 4.5 million had problems with drugs only, and 2.6 million used both alcohol and drugs. This problem is deepening day by day, resulting […]

Alcohol Detox and Its Many Benefits

Addiction to any kind of substance can be very harmful for a person. If a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they need to get over the addiction immediately. Or else, it can affect them physically and psychologically. Alcohol detox center can help an alcohol addict to get over their addiction and lead a normal […]

Research Are Being Conducted If Cannabis Oil Can Cure Cancer

Research Are Being Conducted If Cannabis Oil Can Cure Cancer Research conducted by various health organizations it has been found out that 40% of people are diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. Chances are that, if cancer is not diagnosed, at the right stage it can take the life of your dear […]